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Alcides Velasquez

 Lawrence, Kansas, United States
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies Department, University of Kansas


Assistant Professor in the Communication Studies Department at the University of Kansas. Originally from Colombia, Dr. Velasquez holds a doctoral degree in Media and Information Studies from Michigan State University. He studies Latinx’ social media political expression and activism, and digital inequalities in Colombia.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Velasquez’s journey

Selected readings

Velasquez, A., Barnidge, M., & Rojas, H. (2021). Group consciousness and corrective action: The mediating role of perceived media bias and of selective exposure. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 98(1), 105-125.

Velasquez, A. & Montgomery, G. (2020). Social media expression as a collective strategy: How perceptions of discrimination and group status shape US Latinos’ online discussions of immigration. Social Media + Society, 6(1),

Velasquez, A., Montgomery, G. & Hall, J. (2019). Ethnic minorities’ social media political use: How ingroup identification, selective exposure, and collective efficacy shape social media political expression. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 24(4), 147-167.

Velasquez, A. (2018). Parents’ mobile relational maintenance in resource-constrained contexts: Barriers and facilitating access conditions. New Media & Society, 20(12), 4415-4435.

Velasquez, A. and LaRose, R. (2015). Youth collective activism through social media: The role of collective efficacy. New Media and Society, 17(6), 899-918. doi: 10.1177/1461444813518391

Watch Prof. Velasquez present “Latinx’ Social Media Political Expression as Coll(rr)ective Action” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Velasquez’s insights about his professional journeys in El Café Latinx podcast