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Mauro P. Porto

 New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Tulane University


Mauro Porto is Associate Professor of Communication at Tulane University. He studies political communication and is the author of Media Power and Democratization in Brazil: TV Globo and the Dilemmas of Political Accountability (Routledge, 2012). Porto is currently working on a book about the media and the rise of the far-right in Brazil.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Porto’s journey

Selected readings

Porto, M. (forthcoming). Mirrors of whiteness: Media, middle-class resentment, and the rise of the far right in Brazil. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Porto, M. & Vaconcellos, F. (2020). Televised presidential debates in Brazil. In J. Juárez-Gámiz, C. Holtz-Bacha & A. Schroeder (Eds.), Routledge international handbook on electoral debates (pp. 103-113). New York: Routledge.

Porto, M., Neves, D. & Lima, B. (2020). Crise hegemônica, ascensão da extrema direita e paralelismo político: Globo e Record nas eleições presidenciais de 2018, Compolítica, 10(1), 5-34.

Porto, M. & Brant, J. (2015). Social media and the 2013 protests in Brazil: The contradictory nature of political mobilization in the digital era. In L. Dencik & O. Leistert (Eds.), Critical perspectives on social media and protest (pp. 181-199). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Porto, M. (2012). Media power and democratization in Brazil: TV Globo and the dilemmas of political accountability. New York: Routledge.

Watch Prof. Porto present on “Whiteness and the rise of the far right in Brazil: Affirmative action and middle-class backlash in the newsmagazine Veja” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Porto’s insights about his professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast