A research idea
• Nemer, D. (Forthcoming, February 2022). Technology of the Oppressed: Inequity and the digital mundane in favelas of Brazil. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
• Nemer, D. (2021) Disentangling Brazil’s Disinformation Insurgency, NACLA Report on the Americas, 53(4).
• Nemer, D., & Gray, K., (2019). Reproducing hierarchies or resisting domination: exploring the gendering of technology spaces in the favelas. Gender, Technology and Development, 20(1), 76-92.
• Nemer, D., & Chirumamilla, P. (2019). Living in the Broken City: Infrastructural Inequity, Uncertainty, and the Materiality of the Digital in the Favelas of Brazil. In D. Ribes & J. Vertesi (Eds.), digitalSTS: A Handbook and Fieldguide. Princeton University Press. https://digitalsts.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/15_Living-in-the-Broken.pdf
• Dye, M., Nemer, D., Bruckman, A. S., & Kumar, N. (2018). El Paquete Semanal: The Week’s Internet in Havana. In the Proceedings of 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 639). ACM.