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Isabel Awad

 Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Associate Professor, Media and Communication Department, Erasmus University in Rotterdam


Isabel Awad is an associate professor at Erasmus University’s Media and Communication Department in Rotterdam. She (co)leads the Inclusive Cities and Diversity research area within the university’s Vital Cities and Citizens initiative. Her work focuses on the conditions for democratic communication and social justice against a backdrop of social inequality.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Awad’s journey

Selected readings

Awad, I. & Tossell, J. (2021). Is the smartphone always a smart choice? Against the utilitarian view of the ‘connected migrant’. Information, Communication & Society, 24(4), 611-626.

Awad, I. (2021). What about the actors involved in news about poverty? Disrupting determinist accounts. In. S. Borden (Ed.). The Routledge companion to news media and poverty.

Awad, I. (2014). Journalism, poverty, and the marketing of misery: News from Chile’s “largest ghetto.” Journal of Communication, 64, 1066-87.

Awad, I. (2013). Desperately constructing ethnic audiences: Anti-immigration discourses and minority audience research in the Netherlands. European Journal of Communication, 28, 168-182.

Awad, I. (2011). Latinas/os and the mainstream press: The exclusions of professional diversity. Journalism, 12, 515-532.

Watch Prof. Awad present on “Social justice in and through communication: Taking actors seriously” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Awad’s insights about her professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast