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Edna Miola

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
Associate Professor, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Ph.D. in Communication and Associate Professor at UTFPR (Brazil). Visiting Research Fellow at Quello Center, Michigan State University (United States, 2021-2022). Lead researcher at the Research Group on Discourse Communication and Democracy. Articles featured in Journalism Practice, Annals of the International Communication Association, and First Monday.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Miola’s journey

Selected readings

Marques, F. P. J., & Miola, E. (2021). Key concepts, dilemmas, and trends in political communication: a literature review considering the Brazilian landscape. Annals of the International Communication Association, 45(2), 95-112.

Miola, E., & Marques, F. P. J. (2020). Comunicação pública do Ministério da Saúde no Facebook: uma análise das campanhas contra o Aedes aegypti no ‘verão do Zika’. Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde, 14(1).

Marques, F. P. J., Miola, E., Mitozo, I., & Mont’Alverne, C. (2020). Similar, but not the same: Comparing editorial and news agendas in Brazilian newspapers. Journalism Practice, 14(9), 1066-1086.

Marques, F. P. J., & Miola, E. (2018). 1989, the year that never ended: Epistemology and methodology of the research in Political Communication in Brazil. Comunicação e Sociedade, (33), 129-150.

Miola, E. (2012). Sistema Deliberativo e tensões entre Interesses Públicos e Privados: a criação da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação em debate no Congresso e na Imprensa (Doctoral dissertation, Tese (Doutorado em Comunicação Social), 2012. UFMG, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte).


Watch Prof. Miola present on “Trends in political communication research: What can we learn from the Brazilian case?” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Miola’s insights about her professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast