•Márquez Ramírez M., S. Roses, H. Silke and D. Olivera (2021) Power Relations: The Performance of the Watchdog and the Loyal-Facilitator Roles, in C. Mellado (Ed.) Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective, New York: Routledge, Chapter 6, pp. 103-124.
•Márquez Ramírez, Mireya (2020) Limitantes a la profesionalización del periodismo deportivo en México: las lógicas del sistema de medios y la cultura periodística, en José Luis Rojas Torrijos (Coord.) Cómo hacer periodismo deportivo. Una visión iberoamericana, Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla, pp. 69-94.
•Márquez Ramírez, Mireya, Claudia Mellado, María Luisa Humanes et al (2020) Detached or Interventionist? Comparing the Performance of Watchdog Journalism in Transitional, Advanced and Non-democratic Countries, International Journal of Press Politicis, 25(1): 53-75.
•Hughes, Sallie and Mireya Márquez Ramírez (2018) Local-Level Authoritarianism, Democratic Normative Aspirations, and Antipress Harassment: Predictors of Threats to Journalists in Mexico, International Journal of Press Politics, 23(4): 539-560.