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Arturo Arriagada

 Santiago, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile
Associate Professor, School of Communications and Journalism, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez; Director, Cultura Social Media research lab


Arturo Arriagada, PhD., is an Associate Professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile). His areas of interest include digital labor; influencers and creator economy; algorithms and quantification; and political communication. Associate researcher of the Millennium Nucleus on the Evolution of Work.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Arriagada’s journey

Selected readings

Arriagada, A. & Bishop, S. (2021). Between Commerciality and Authenticity: The Imaginary of Social Media Influencers in the Platform Economy. Communication, Culture & Critique, 14(4), pp. 568–586.

Arriagada, A. (2021). Content creators and the field of advertising, in Craig, D. & Cunningham, S. (eds.). Creator Culture: An Introduction to Global Social Media Entertainment. NYU Press, pp. 232-249.

Arriagada, A. & Ibáñez, F. (2020). “You Need At Least One Picture Daily, if Not, You’re Dead”: Content Creators and Platform Evolution in the Social Media Ecology. Social Media + Society,

Arriagada, A. & Concha, P. (2019). Cultural Intermediaries in the Making of Branded Music Events: Digital Cultural Capital in Tension, Journal of Cultural Economy, 13, pp. 42-53 
Arriagada, A., Ibáñez, F., Bley, C., Bley, A. (2018). Músicos, Sellos y Fans en la Era Digital. Santiago, Chile.


Watch Prof. Arriagada present on “Influencers and creator economies: Imaginaries, platform evolution, and commercial value chains” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Arriagada’s insights about his professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast