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Natalia Aruguete

Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Researcher, CONICET; Professor, Universidad de Quilmes


Natalia Aruguete (PhD UNQ, 20XX) is Professor of the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and the Universidad Austral, and a member of CONICET (Argentina’s Federal Agency for the development of Science and Technology). She has published three books and fifty articles studying the relationship between traditional media and social media, with particular attention to the effect of political agendas, media agendas, and the public.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Aruguete’s journey

Selected readings

• Aruguete, N., Calvo, E., & Ventura, T. (2021). News sharing, gatekeeping, and polarization: A study of the #Bolsonaro election. Digital Journalism, 9(1), 1-23. 

• Aruguete, N. (2021). Activación de encuadres en red: Un modelo para repensar la circulación de sentidos en el nuevo entorno mediático. El Profesional de la Información, 30(2), 1-18.

• Koziner, N., & Aruguete, N. (2020). El conflicto mapuche en la prensa chilena. Anotaciones teórico-metodológicas para el análisis de los encuadres mediáticos. Perspectivas de la Comunicación, 13(1), 203-217.

• Aruguete, N., & Calvo, E. (2020). Coronavirus en Argentina: Polarización partidaria, encuadres mediáticos y temor al riesgo. Revista Sap14(2), 281-310.

• Aruguete, N., & Calvo, E. (2018). Time to #protest: Selective exposure, cascading activation, and framing in social media. Journal of Communication, 68(3), 480-502.

Watch Prof. Aruguete present on “My partisan friends live in a bubble: Framing and perceived polarization in social media” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Aruguete’s insights about her professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast