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Raquel Moreira

 Georgetown, Texas, United States
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Southwestern University.


Raquel Moreira is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Southwestern University. She investigates the racialized and classed dimensions of femininities in Brazil and in the U.S., paying special attention to how performances of citizenship are constrained or enabled by embodiments of normative and peripheral femininities.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Moreira’s journey

Selected readings

Moreira, R. (2021). Bitches Unleashed: Performance and Embodied Politics in Favela Funk. Peter Lang.

Moreira, R. (2020). “To Be a Slut Is to Be Free”: Women in Favela Funk, Racialised Femininity, and Celebrity Media. Celebrity Studies. DOI10.1080/19392397.2020.1847673.

Moreira, R. (2020). De-Whitening Intersectionality through Transfeminismo. In Shinsuke Eguchi, Bernadette M. Calafell, and Shadee Abdi (Eds.), De-Whitening Intersectionality: Race, Intercultural Communication, and Politics, Rowman & Littlefield.

Moreira, R. (2019). Bicha Travesti Worldmaking: Linn da Quebrada’s Disidentificatory Performances of Intersectional Queerness. Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture, 4(3), 303-318. 

Moreira, R. (2017). “Now that I’m a Whore, Nobody Is Holding Me Back!”: Women in Favela Funk and Embodied Politics. Women’s Studies in Communication, 40(2), 172-189.


Watch Prof. Moreira present "Mestiçagem, Authenticity, and Racial Spatiality in Anitta’s ‘Girl from Rio’" at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Moreira’s insights about her professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast