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Clemencia Rodríguez

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Professor, Department of Media Studies and Production, Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University


Dr. Clemencia Rodríguez is a Professor in the Department of Media Studies and Production at Temple University. She is known for her citizens’ media theory,a groundbreaking approach to understanding the role of community/alternative media in our societies. Her research interests include media, war and peacebuilding; feminist theory; and epistemologies of the South.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Rodríguez’s journey

Selected readings

Rodríguez, C., & Iliadis, A. (2019). The MacBride Report legacy and media democracy today. Media Development 3: 17-24.

Anderson, H., & Rodríguez, C. (2019). Is Community Radio in Crisis in the Global North?: Lessons from Australia and the United States. Journal of Alternative and Community Media 4(4): 1-15.

Couldry, N., Rodríguez, C., et al. (2018). Desigualdad y Luchas Comunicativas en Tiempos Digitales [informe global por una comunicación comprometida con el progreso social].

Rodríguez, C., Volkmer, I., Goggin, G. (Eds). (2018). Communication and the struggle for social progress. Global Media and Communication, 14(2).

Rodríguez, C. (2011). Citizens’ media against armed conflict: Disrupting violence in Colombia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Watch Prof. Rodríguez present on “New paths toward decolonizing research: Transformative fieldwork experiences in Northern Colombia” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Rodríguez’s insights about her professional journey in El Café Latinx podcast