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Judith Mariscal

 City of México, México
Research Professor at CIDE México, and Executive Director, Centro LATAM Digital.


Judith Mariscal is Executive Director at Centro LATAM Digital, research professor at CIDE and member at its highest level of the National System of Researchers. Her research focuses on the role of digital technologies for development in Latin America.

Scholarly beginnings

A research idea

Envisioning possible futures in the field of communication and media studies

Learn more about Prof. Mariscal’s journey

Selected readings

2005. New market scenarios in Latin America. Digital Poverty: Latin America and Caribbean Perspectives. (with Bonina, C y Luna, J.)

2005. New Trends In the Latin American Telecommunications Market: Telefónica y TELMEX. Journal of Telecommunications Policy, 29(9-10). (with Rivera, E.)

2005. Digital Divide in a Developing Country. Journal of Telecommunications Policy, 29(5-6).

2010. The Enigma of Mobile Money Systems. Communications & Strategies DigiWorld Economic Journal, no. 79. (with  Flores-Roux, E.)

2020. A State–led Model of Financial Inclusion Through Mobile Services. Information Technologies and International Development. Vol. 16, 20-31. (with Daniel Rojas-Lozano)

Watch Prof. Mariscal present “The role of digital policy in catalyzing a more equitable development” at the Center for Latinx Digital Media

Listen to Prof. Mariscal insights about her professional journeys in El Café Latinx podcast