Mauro P. Porto

A research idea
• Porto, M. (forthcoming). Mirrors of whiteness: Media, middle-class resentment, and the rise of the far right in Brazil. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
• Porto, M. & Vaconcellos, F. (2020). Televised presidential debates in Brazil. In J. Juárez-Gámiz, C. Holtz-Bacha & A. Schroeder (Eds.), Routledge international handbook on electoral debates (pp. 103-113). New York: Routledge.
• Porto, M., Neves, D. & Lima, B. (2020). Crise hegemônica, ascensão da extrema direita e paralelismo político: Globo e Record nas eleições presidenciais de 2018, Compolítica, 10(1), 5-34.
• Porto, M. & Brant, J. (2015). Social media and the 2013 protests in Brazil: The contradictory nature of political mobilization in the digital era. In L. Dencik & O. Leistert (Eds.), Critical perspectives on social media and protest (pp. 181-199). New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
• Porto, M. (2012). Media power and democratization in Brazil: TV Globo and the dilemmas of political accountability. New York: Routledge.